Learning All About Cross-Country Moves

4 Actions You Must Take Before The Moving Crew Arrives

Moving day can be made a whole lot easier by hiring a full-service moving company that provides packing services for your belongings. In addition, there are four actions you must take before the crew arrives on moving day to complete the move as quickly and efficiently as possible:

1. Remove Obstacles and Clutter

Before the moving company arrives, make sure all clutter and debris has been removed from stairways, doorways and the main foot traffic areas of your home. Leaving clutter lying around can cause a number of problems, including:

  • You'll slow down the crew's progress because they must carefully navigate around unnecessary obstacles in your home.
  • Your belongings may get damaged if someone inadvertently steps on them.
  • You increase the risk of accidents and injuries to the moving crew.

Make sure all walkways in and around your home are clutter-free before your moving service arrives. This way, the job can get done safely, efficiently and on-schedule.

2. Get a List of Prohibited Items

As you're preparing for the move, be sure to ask your moving service for a list of prohibited items, or items they cannot pack or transport for you. This should be done before moving day so you don't hold up the works when the crew arrives. Typically, most moving companies will not pack or transport items that pose any sort of risk such as:

  • Ammunition
  • Gas and Motor Oil
  • Poisonous Chemicals
  • Car Batteries
  • Fireworks

Essentially, you should plan to move items that are flammable, combustible or otherwise hazardous in a separate vehicle. Also, remember to empty the oil and gas tanks of your gas-powered outdoor equipment (i.e. lawnmowers, tractors, etc.) before the move if you want the moving company to transport them for you.

3. Confine Household Pets

Moving day will likely be stressful for your four-legged friends because of all the noise and commotion in your home. Before moving day, make arrangements for your pets to be out of the house so they do not get in the crew's way. If you don't have an available pet sitter, confine your pets in a safe, fenced-in area outdoors or designate a pet room that can be closed off from the commotion.

This is important for three primary reasons:

  1. Pets cannot escape if the outside door is left open during the move.
  2. You avoid the risk of possible accidents and injuries caused by pets being underfoot while the crew tries to do their job.
  3. You'll protect your pets from suffering unnecessary fear and anxiety on moving day.

Segregating your pets from the commotion simply makes it easier on everyone.

4. Set Aside Valuables and Irreplaceable Belongings

Although the moving crew will take great care to avoid damaging your belongings while packing and transporting them, accidents can happen. If you have valuables or irreplaceable heirlooms that require special handling, err on the side of caution and move them yourself. When preparing for the move, set these items aside to be transported to your new home in your own vehicle.

It's always a good idea to keep a plastic tote handy for packing small items that should go in your vehicle with you to the new home. Moving them yourself gives you the peace of mind in knowing your irreplaceable items won't get broken or misplaced when packed with the rest of your household belongings. Consider moving items like these in your own vehicle:

  • Old Photographs
  • Valuable or Rare Collectibles (i.e. coins, artwork, etc.)
  • Family Heirlooms
  • High-Value Jewelry
  • Expensive Electronic Items

If you would be devastated to lose or damage any particular items, avoid the risk altogether and move them yourself.

Set yourself up for a successful move by taking these four actions before the big day. The result will be a safe and efficient move that goes off without a hitch.
